Hey Everyone,
I'm Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I have been busy with things at home. But I decided to get on here and add some new stuff to my blog. So how is everyone liking this weather. I love the fall time it feels so peaceful to me. I love it when the leaves start changing colors. This weather makes me want to color. So the last few days I have been coloring fall coloring sheets. So anyways I have some new activity sheets that I have made. I have made a word scramble, word search and a word shape puzzle. They are really easy because I made them for the kids. So if you have any kids that are interested then all that you have to do is click on the link below that says October Activities and print them. So I hope that everyone has fun with them.Thanks for stopping by Tracy's Corner and visiting me. Have a great day and God Bless You.
October Activities
Tracy's corner

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Hey Everyone,
I hope that you are doing ok. I'm sorry that I haven't put anything on in a while. I have been so busy working here lately. I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone drives safe if you are traveling. I hope that everyone remembers the real reason for Thanksgiving. If you haven't told your children the real reason for Thanksgiving. I hope that you tell them. I know that they would really enjoy learning about it. I am so thankful for many things. One being that I still have the freedom to serve my savior. The Lord is very important in my life. Because with out him I would be nothing. I'm thankful that he gave me a wonderful husband that I love so much. He is my second favorite guy. Its the Lord then my husband. I am so glad that the Lord has gave him a good job. Because I know that there are so many people without the stuff that they need. Please remember these people when you are praying. Also remember you Soldiers. I know that they want to be with there family too. They give up so much for us. The are fighting for freedom that seems like gets taken from us little by little everyday. So you might want to enjoy it while you can. Because some day you may not have the freedom to do everything that you want. So please remember to pray for your soldiers. Anyways I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. I will talk to everyone later. God Bless you and your families. Thanks for coming and visiting me at Tracy's Corner. Remember my button is available now. Thanks and have a good day.
Tracy Whitehead
I hope that you are doing ok. I'm sorry that I haven't put anything on in a while. I have been so busy working here lately. I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone drives safe if you are traveling. I hope that everyone remembers the real reason for Thanksgiving. If you haven't told your children the real reason for Thanksgiving. I hope that you tell them. I know that they would really enjoy learning about it. I am so thankful for many things. One being that I still have the freedom to serve my savior. The Lord is very important in my life. Because with out him I would be nothing. I'm thankful that he gave me a wonderful husband that I love so much. He is my second favorite guy. Its the Lord then my husband. I am so glad that the Lord has gave him a good job. Because I know that there are so many people without the stuff that they need. Please remember these people when you are praying. Also remember you Soldiers. I know that they want to be with there family too. They give up so much for us. The are fighting for freedom that seems like gets taken from us little by little everyday. So you might want to enjoy it while you can. Because some day you may not have the freedom to do everything that you want. So please remember to pray for your soldiers. Anyways I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. I will talk to everyone later. God Bless you and your families. Thanks for coming and visiting me at Tracy's Corner. Remember my button is available now. Thanks and have a good day.
Tracy Whitehead
Friday, November 15, 2013
Remember your soldiers
Hey Everyone,
How are you doing to day? I am doing great today. I am done with my tax classes now. I hope everyone is enjoying this cooler weather. I want to say thanks to my followers on feedspot. I didn't know that I had followers over there. So thank you for following Tracy's Corner. I hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. Because it is just around the corner. Please remember you Soldiers these holidays. Because I know that they would give anything to be with there families. I am so thankful for our men and women in uniform. I am thankful that the give up so much just so that we all can have our freedom. But it seem to me that our freedom is getting taken away little by little. So remember to stand up for the important things in life. Because someday we may not have the freedom to do so. We must always remember that God is in control. It doesn't matter what happens down here he will always be in control. So America better remember one thing. when God is take out of America. There will be no America. Because God doesn't settle for being last. I am so glad for the freedom to still read my bible though, and also to go to church. Remember to pray for the Philippines. they really could use your prayer. Remember while you are in your warm home. They have no home anymore. I could not imagine be without my home. it would be a very hard thing to deal with. They don't only have to deal with not having a home, but also family members that are no longer with them. I believe praying for them is our Christian duty. Also if any of my followers or anybody that you know needs prayer. We have a prayer chain its prayer@worker.com. So if you need prayer let us know. You may also post you prayer request on here. We are here to pray for anybody. But I will get off of here and let you go. I hope that you have a great day. Thanks for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. God bless you always.
Tracy Whitehead
How are you doing to day? I am doing great today. I am done with my tax classes now. I hope everyone is enjoying this cooler weather. I want to say thanks to my followers on feedspot. I didn't know that I had followers over there. So thank you for following Tracy's Corner. I hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. Because it is just around the corner. Please remember you Soldiers these holidays. Because I know that they would give anything to be with there families. I am so thankful for our men and women in uniform. I am thankful that the give up so much just so that we all can have our freedom. But it seem to me that our freedom is getting taken away little by little. So remember to stand up for the important things in life. Because someday we may not have the freedom to do so. We must always remember that God is in control. It doesn't matter what happens down here he will always be in control. So America better remember one thing. when God is take out of America. There will be no America. Because God doesn't settle for being last. I am so glad for the freedom to still read my bible though, and also to go to church. Remember to pray for the Philippines. they really could use your prayer. Remember while you are in your warm home. They have no home anymore. I could not imagine be without my home. it would be a very hard thing to deal with. They don't only have to deal with not having a home, but also family members that are no longer with them. I believe praying for them is our Christian duty. Also if any of my followers or anybody that you know needs prayer. We have a prayer chain its prayer@worker.com. So if you need prayer let us know. You may also post you prayer request on here. We are here to pray for anybody. But I will get off of here and let you go. I hope that you have a great day. Thanks for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. God bless you always.
Tracy Whitehead
Monday, September 2, 2013
Please Stop Abortion

Hey Everyone,
How are you doing? Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I just started tax preparation classes. So I have been busy doing homework. Which we have a lot of most of the time. But one thing that I am not to busy for is to stand up for these babies in this world. No one deserves to have there life taken from them. And I know that a lot of people are not going to agree with me on the subject of abortion. But I don't mind if they disagree. Because I serve a god that does cares. And he will not stand for these babies being aborted. A lot of people are going to be standing for this very thing on judgement day. Its sad that America wants God to bless us. When we do the very things that god tells us not to do. How can we ask God to bless America. When we abort are babies. Stand for gay marriage. This is all sins that we are doing as a country. We know that from reading the bible. That God cannot and will not bless sin. So if America is wanting God on our side. Then America better start standing up against this stuff. Besides haven't you ever heard the saying, If you don't stand for something. Then you will fall for anything. I believe that is the truth to. But I hope that one day everyone can look at there children as blessings. Because they are blessings. It is so sad to see women abort there babies. Why does a women or a man believe they have the right to murder little babies. The weird thing is a women will abort her baby. Then when a little kid is murdered they act like they care. They say that little kid is never going to get married or have prom. But what about that little baby that they just had murdered. Its the same thing. Murder is Murder to me. Whether you have a doctor to do it or if someone just kills someone. So please if you are against this please sign this petition at the bottom of my page. Because we all deserve to get to see the light of day. Another thing Please Remember You Soldiers. They are out there everyday risking their life. So that me and you can be here and do what we are doing. Please sign this petition we may be able to save some lives. Please stop and take the time to do this. It really is important guys. If you do I know the Lord will bless you for it. Thanks for coming to Tracy's Corner. It is always a blessing to see people coming to my blog. I love looking at my stats. Its amazing to see people not just from America. But to see people come from other countries. So Thank You for coming and visiting me. I hope that you all have a blessed Labor Day. If you have a prayer request you can leave a comment here or you can send it to Prayer@worker.com this is our prayer Chain. Thank You and God Bless you.
Love Always Tracy Whitehead
Click here to sign petition
How are you doing? Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I just started tax preparation classes. So I have been busy doing homework. Which we have a lot of most of the time. But one thing that I am not to busy for is to stand up for these babies in this world. No one deserves to have there life taken from them. And I know that a lot of people are not going to agree with me on the subject of abortion. But I don't mind if they disagree. Because I serve a god that does cares. And he will not stand for these babies being aborted. A lot of people are going to be standing for this very thing on judgement day. Its sad that America wants God to bless us. When we do the very things that god tells us not to do. How can we ask God to bless America. When we abort are babies. Stand for gay marriage. This is all sins that we are doing as a country. We know that from reading the bible. That God cannot and will not bless sin. So if America is wanting God on our side. Then America better start standing up against this stuff. Besides haven't you ever heard the saying, If you don't stand for something. Then you will fall for anything. I believe that is the truth to. But I hope that one day everyone can look at there children as blessings. Because they are blessings. It is so sad to see women abort there babies. Why does a women or a man believe they have the right to murder little babies. The weird thing is a women will abort her baby. Then when a little kid is murdered they act like they care. They say that little kid is never going to get married or have prom. But what about that little baby that they just had murdered. Its the same thing. Murder is Murder to me. Whether you have a doctor to do it or if someone just kills someone. So please if you are against this please sign this petition at the bottom of my page. Because we all deserve to get to see the light of day. Another thing Please Remember You Soldiers. They are out there everyday risking their life. So that me and you can be here and do what we are doing. Please sign this petition we may be able to save some lives. Please stop and take the time to do this. It really is important guys. If you do I know the Lord will bless you for it. Thanks for coming to Tracy's Corner. It is always a blessing to see people coming to my blog. I love looking at my stats. Its amazing to see people not just from America. But to see people come from other countries. So Thank You for coming and visiting me. I hope that you all have a blessed Labor Day. If you have a prayer request you can leave a comment here or you can send it to Prayer@worker.com this is our prayer Chain. Thank You and God Bless you.
Love Always Tracy Whitehead
Click here to sign petition
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Easter
Hey Everyone
Thanks for coming to my blog today. I know I may be getting around a little late for some of you. But I hope that you Have a great Easter today. I have some crafts if you want to try them. This craft is a bunny rabbit you can make it boy or girl. They are very cute to make. I love these little rabbits. But please remember the real reason for Easter. We have a savior that died on that cross for all of our sins, and in three days he rose from the dead. Please tell your children about the real reason for Easter. Now is a perfect time to tell them about Jesus. But I will let you go so you can enjoy your Easter with your family. Down below you will find the link to the Rabbits. All you have to do is Click on the Link and it will take you to them. Then you just have to print its as easy as can be. Thank you to the people from Germany and Russia for visiting my blog. Its great to see people from other countries come and visit. I have a Translator on the left side of my blog if you need one. Thanks Everyone for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. I hope that you will come and visit my blog again. Have a good day and God Bless you.
Tracy Whitehead
Click this link
Easter Bunnies
Thanks for coming to my blog today. I know I may be getting around a little late for some of you. But I hope that you Have a great Easter today. I have some crafts if you want to try them. This craft is a bunny rabbit you can make it boy or girl. They are very cute to make. I love these little rabbits. But please remember the real reason for Easter. We have a savior that died on that cross for all of our sins, and in three days he rose from the dead. Please tell your children about the real reason for Easter. Now is a perfect time to tell them about Jesus. But I will let you go so you can enjoy your Easter with your family. Down below you will find the link to the Rabbits. All you have to do is Click on the Link and it will take you to them. Then you just have to print its as easy as can be. Thank you to the people from Germany and Russia for visiting my blog. Its great to see people from other countries come and visit. I have a Translator on the left side of my blog if you need one. Thanks Everyone for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. I hope that you will come and visit my blog again. Have a good day and God Bless you.
Tracy Whitehead
Click this link
Easter Bunnies
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Hey Everyone
Sorry I haven't been on in a while I have been making backgrounds for my blogs. I have a valentine Activity book for you to try. It has all kinds of good stuff in it. My mother-in-law made this book. I thought it was really cool. So I thought you might want to give in a try. Some of the things in it is a word search, valentine cards which is really cool if you are a homeschooler. That away you don't have to go to Walmart or somewhere to buy them. There is just a lot of fun stuff take a look for yourself. I don't think that you will be disappointed. If you want to teach your kids about St. Valentine. There is information on him in this booklet. Mom's if you are teaching cursive writing there is a practice for them to try. If you are not to that point in your schooling. It is where you can print to. But there is a ton of cool stuff in here. I will let you go and talk to you later. Thanks for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. I hope that you have a good day. May God bless you and your family. Please Remember the Soildiers it is very important to keep them in Prayer. We lose so many everyday but i do thank them for there service. Thanks for listening to me.
Tracy Whitehead
Valentine Book
Sorry I haven't been on in a while I have been making backgrounds for my blogs. I have a valentine Activity book for you to try. It has all kinds of good stuff in it. My mother-in-law made this book. I thought it was really cool. So I thought you might want to give in a try. Some of the things in it is a word search, valentine cards which is really cool if you are a homeschooler. That away you don't have to go to Walmart or somewhere to buy them. There is just a lot of fun stuff take a look for yourself. I don't think that you will be disappointed. If you want to teach your kids about St. Valentine. There is information on him in this booklet. Mom's if you are teaching cursive writing there is a practice for them to try. If you are not to that point in your schooling. It is where you can print to. But there is a ton of cool stuff in here. I will let you go and talk to you later. Thanks for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. I hope that you have a good day. May God bless you and your family. Please Remember the Soildiers it is very important to keep them in Prayer. We lose so many everyday but i do thank them for there service. Thanks for listening to me.
Tracy Whitehead
Valentine Book
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