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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Hey Everyone

Thanks for coming to my blog today. I know I may be getting around a little late for some of you. But I hope that you Have a great Easter today. I have some crafts if you want to try them. This craft is a bunny rabbit you can make it boy or girl. They are very cute to make. I love these little rabbits. But please remember the real reason for Easter. We have a savior that died on that cross for all of our sins, and in three days he rose from the dead. Please tell your children about the real reason for Easter. Now is a perfect time to tell them about Jesus. But I will let you go so you can enjoy your Easter with your family. Down below you will find the link to the Rabbits. All you have to do is Click on the Link and it will take you to them. Then you just have to print its as easy as can be. Thank you to the people from Germany and Russia for visiting my blog. Its great to see people from other countries come and visit. I have a Translator on the left side of my blog if you need one. Thanks Everyone for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. I hope that you will come and visit my blog again. Have a good day and God Bless you.

Tracy Whitehead

Click this link
Easter Bunnies