Thursday, October 14, 2010

October is a time for harvest, for gourds and pumpkins. Some even celebrate Halloween. How do you celebrate October? Do you trick or treat, or buy candy for the kids? Do you have a harvest festival? Do you take pictures of things you've grown? Share how you make those around you feel comfy, fed, warm, and relaxed in October.

I celebrate October by coloring pumpkins and scarecrows. I like to October because the weather feels so good. I like doing things when the weather feels good. Me and my mother-in-law tried this thing where you make scarecrow heads out of gourds. But mine didn't turn out to much looking like a scarecrow head. It was real fun! I don't trick-or-treat its been a long time since I trick-or-treated. We never hardly have kids that come to our house to trick-or-treat. We live kind of out of town a little ways. We have been eating baked apples and apple crisp. All of it tasted so good. I get excited when October gets here. Because then November gets here and I love studying about the Indians and the pilgrims. Then comes December my favorite time of the year. Because I am a Christmas person. At that time its like the world just changes for me. Its feels so peaceful to me. I love coloring and watching Christmas movies. I just love the rest of the year from October. Thanks for coming I hope you had a good time. Thanks Tammy for letting me take apart in your meme. It was great. Please remember to go out and vote it is really important. I have a song for you to listen too. You just have to go down to my second post. But there's a song about our soldiers that I would like you to listen to Thanks
Sunday, October 10, 2010

click here and get your voters guide. All you have to do is click on the picture and put your e-mail and your state. Thanks for coming and visiting Tracy's Corner. Have a great day and God bless you. Please remember to vote. If you have not seen the video in my last post. Please take a minute to go and watch that. It is a really good video. Its a song for our soldiers.
Friday, October 8, 2010
America its time to take a stand.
This is a great song and I wish that you would take a minute to listen to it. Because our soldiers does not get what they deserve. And I just hope that you can stop just for a minute to listen to this song. All you have to do is click on the play button. That you see on the video. But it is a really good song. I hope that it blesses you as much as it does me. I am thankful everyday for our men fighting in the services and the ones that have before them. It will take you just a few minutes to watch this. But please take a few minutes to do so. You really don't know what they go through everyday. Just so me and you can be here doing what we do everyday.
Thank you Soldiers for everything that you do. people voting is coming up in just a few more weeks. I want to encourage everyone to go out and vote. We The People have to take a stand or we are going to fall for anything. So please make sure you vote it is very important. We may not have this right very much longer. So please take a stand while you can. If you want to see some of the things that are going on in America. Then you can go to Christian Coalition of America or you can go to AFA American Family Association. God Bless you and God Bless American. Thanks for coming to Tracy's Corner I hope you have enjoyed it. I loved having you come back and visit. Please remember to vote. Take a Stand for America. Remember If you Don't vote Don't complain. Because your vote could have made a difference. Thanks again for visiting. Please remember to watch the video.
Thank you Soldiers for everything that you do. people voting is coming up in just a few more weeks. I want to encourage everyone to go out and vote. We The People have to take a stand or we are going to fall for anything. So please make sure you vote it is very important. We may not have this right very much longer. So please take a stand while you can. If you want to see some of the things that are going on in America. Then you can go to Christian Coalition of America or you can go to AFA American Family Association. God Bless you and God Bless American. Thanks for coming to Tracy's Corner I hope you have enjoyed it. I loved having you come back and visit. Please remember to vote. Take a Stand for America. Remember If you Don't vote Don't complain. Because your vote could have made a difference. Thanks again for visiting. Please remember to watch the video.
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