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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Coach fired for standing against Gay Marriage

Hey Everyone

I'm sorry that I haven't been on in a while. I have just got a little busy. But anyway I just wanted to get on here and say hi to everyone. I have missed you all. I wanted to show you this video. This is of a Corn Husker Football coach. His name is  Ron Brown. He has been fired for standing up for his beliefs on Gay Marriage. I think that it is wrong to fire someone just because they stand against this. I think that it's crazy that a man that stands up for God is fired. But I believe that if it had been a coach that taught that Gay Marriage is okay. Most likely he would still have his job. I just want to thank him for standing up against this even though it cost him his job. I am just so tired of every time someone says something about gays they are in trouble. I think that we should all be entitled to our opinions. If it would be against our belief I think that we should be able to stand up against it without being attacked by everyone in the media. Out of all the sins out there I believe that this is one of the worst. I believe that it has got a hold of America. And I don't believe that its going to let up. I believe that it wants to take down America. I am just so glad to be called a child of God. So anyway Thank You coach Ron Brown for being a true christian and standing up for what you believe. I believe that you will be blessed more than you know. So just keep hanging in there. Anyway Thanks for stopping by Tracy's Corner. I hope that you have had a great time. If you have a minute  I would really like you to watch this video. I will talk to you later. Have a great day and God Bless you and your family.



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